Arcade Shopping and Unluckiness ;;/ - Shopping and Throughs 07/12/21

Hihi there, I'm writing on tuesday yes yes but it's exceptionnal. To explain what happenned this week I go to the doctor to receive a prescription basically, I waited 1 hour and half to see him and got the sickness of ppl who waited like me. Hopefully it wasn't covid but since wednesday till the weekend I was sick sick. But it dont stop here, our radiators don't work since friday woooo! And can be repaired only this thursday or friday./It's 15° celsius in my home right now. So I kinda been busy this week and my blog life come after so yeah.

My sale shopping is again quite small because Arcade just drop and I have a huge love for gacha so I prioritize that. At Fiftylindenfriday I've got the Caboodle's santa hat, my first one. And everything else was on Saturdaysale if I remember right, Cloe's dress, ice skates of spoiled very cute and the Blueberry set (dress, jacket and bag). 

For Arcade a lot things gonna just mention the brand and gachas I've got. I have the luck to have the 4th rare of Semotion drunk cat the first day. Ayashi's rare ears and hair thanks to my love. Movment's cute santa mug. I bought two seals of Yokai's gacha. Clover's cute dinosaur pets in number 18. And at the end I try to complete the white outfits of Aurora with some Cherri's help. She gift me the cute rare of Sorumin as well ;;/. I did an exchange to get the number 3 of Semotion's snowman with Ais/ Thanks to Piggy I have all the Dazed gacha I wanted (all white + the rare). And Macmillow got the kindess to gift me the rare of Nini planet.

Now I need the number 21 of Aurora and the number1 if I'm lucky. And I would love the rares of Ascendant (15), Ersch (1) and Nanika (1). We try everyday with my love, I think with time I'll have all ^^. I also plan to buy the penguin of Semotion (limited or event one) and the "gift" of Yokai at Anthem. I also need to do new pics and especially christmasy pic for Flickr. I only have two left to publish so only for this week. Oh and on this pic Mary rezz the new cart of Dust Bunny at my home, isnt it stunning? I'm in love really ! 

I hope that everyone doing well and if not will be better soon ! take care guys !


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