Comeback Home (Look #66)

Hihi there ! I really liked this dress from Bauhaus so i'm happy it went in sale, I jumped on it ! xD It's rare I take pic from a far but the mood of the backdrop seemed so chill (like the start of the evening), it would have been weird to crop it.

What I wear :

  • Serena Hairstyle - Faga (previous weekend sales)
  • Valeria Dress - Bauhaus (previous weekend sales)
  • Lady Fashionista Handbag White - Movement (previous weekend sales)
  • Brinna Garter White - Apple Blossom (previous weekend sales)
  • Kenya Leather Shoes - Ison (old free gift)
  • Puppy Chow Uncommon 15 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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