Late for the Tea (Look #84)

Hihi there ! Well I have bunny parts, I have parasol and immediately went Alice in Wonderland mood ! xD I didn't think I'll wear this short hair because short hairs aren't really my thing but I thinked it give something more to the look so I was happy I could use it ! 

What I wear :

  • Gone With The Wind Parasol White #2 - Belle Epoque (gacha)
  • Rabbit Parts - Stoic (previous weekend sales)
  • Ingenue Hairstyle Vip - Truth (group gift)
  • Erika Top White - Fake Society (previous weekend sales)
  • Gone With The Wind Gloves White #7 - Belle Epoque (gacha)
  • Tagged Shorts White Latex - Violent Seduction (previous weekend sales)
  • Star Stockings Fatpack - Glitzz (old free gift)
  • Funny Sheep Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Sanara Heels - Scandalize (old free gift)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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