Vacation Park (Look #186)

Hihi there ! It's not a summer without a lil pic at Astralia's Hello Kitty park ! ^^/ I always wanted to do a pic with this cute mermaid hello kitty ! xD And I'm with the cutest elephant of the grid from Semotion Libellune ! 

What I wear :

  • Sojin Hairstyle - Kuni (previous weekend sales)
  • Winter Hairclips - Cheezu (old 30% store sale)
  • Budgie Buddy Rare #2 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Macaron Top - Sinoux (previous weekend sales)
  • Angelic Belly Piercing - Loki (previous weekend sales)
  • Tropical Summer Rare #2 - Kreamy (gacha)
  • Giada Skirt White - Bauhaus (previous weekend sales)
  • Hindi Elephant Companion White - Semotion Libellune (gift ♥)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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