Cute Invasion (Look #188)

Hihi there ! I got some cool item last week and wanted to do an alien themed pic with urban background ! ^^/ I had to wear my cosmic guys from Semotion for this pic ! 

What I wear :

  • Emma Beanie - Usagi Society (previous weekend sales) 
  • Escape Hairstyle - Stealthic (old black friday sale)
  • Laurie Collar Princess White - Michan (previous weekend sales)
  • Ufo Cat #2 - Moon Rabbit (gacha)
  • Chicana Dress Rescue - Catarsis (previous weekend sales)
  • Mew Knit Armwarmers White - Kotte (old black friday sale)
  • Cloud Drink - Goyo (previous weekend sales)
  • Cosmic Guys Rare #1 & Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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