Bows Lover (Look #213)

Hihi there ! This cute hair of Doux paired with this cute Tres beau's outfit gave me the idea to do a bow look ! xD sadly I didn't had a bag with bows damn it! xD Taken at the beautiful "Ethereal City Dusk" sim ! 

What I wear :

  • Alina Hairstyle - Doux (gift ♥ but from dubai event)
  • Paisley Necklace - Supernatural (old free gift shop & hop)
  • Sung Cargidan & Skirt White - Très Beau (previous weekend sales)
  • Mary Kate Medium Bag Rare #11 - Indigo (gacha)
  • Alisia Boots - Cult (previous weekend sales)
  • Shiba Inu Cream Adult & Puppy - Jian (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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