Welcoming a new pet ! - Shopping and throughts 04/10/2021

Hi there, this week was mostly gacha spending I find so many cheap M.birdie gacha on mp so no many sales buying. x) I just find this extra cute moph plushie of Sakura on Sokawaiisundays, Its just became straight up one of my fav plushie I own on Sl. xD 3 holdable positions so its very nice !

I waited to see the result of the semotion giveaway for this bear but sadly still dont win. x) So I went to Kustom9 buying it, its since it dropped I want it so the spending was planed !

I also bought this cute Mishmish leo figure on mp, since I'm a leo I wanted it badly for my home. ^^/

During this week I did many pics for Flickr and photoshoped them ! I also follow more groups thanks to friend advise and it seems to really make me more showy, it brings me new followers and favorites so I'm really happy. :3 I also remove Slurl of my blog to make sure to respect flickr conditions since I'm not a pro account. It was a complex story and got really confused. But since I'm not a pro account I'm not allowed to share links for commercial use so no mp links and no slurl even if I dont earn from it. That what I understood at least. xD The next week will be chasing free gifts at Shop & Hop Halloween.

I hope that everyone doing well and if not will be better soon ! take care guys !


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