Cute things at sales ! - Shopping and Throughs 22/11/21

Hihi there, I hope that everyone had a good week. ^^/ Firstly I discover a new fishing game thx to some personn on naria's discord (Ann, Sabrina, Lala & Acidghoul). It's virtual fishing, I love this game its a lot easier to earn lindens than the precedent I used to play. I fish everyday now, I feel like I can do a lot more spending than before, its really awesome ! To celebrate this new income lol, I bought the love bubble accessory of VCO that I wanted since very long. xD It was a good week also for these wings I've got thanks to Sabrina and the cute hamster plush thanks to Cherri. 

So for my sale buys, at Fiftylindenfriday I bought the Violent Seduction's dress, the advert was quite confusing but the dress was hopefully included. ^^/ And I took the cute potting bench of Moss&Mink. At Saturdaysale, I bought the crystal doms of Disorderly, the plants of Vespertine and the beautiful hair of Kuni really long, I love long hair. x) At Happyweekend, I'v got the cute festive bureau of Nutmeg, its my first christmasy buy of the year wooo! And finally at Wanderlust, I took the candles of Lagom, a lot sizes and even a wearable version for 50l big deal ! 

My week was quite busy fishing in the end, I fished everyday mostly with Alle. It was really cool and its satisfying to dont feel you are wasting your time because you earn lindens. I participated to the last Time2design of Naria it was quite fun even if I lagged badly and the stress of not knowing that much Thanksgiving but to me I did well like my best I could, so no regret. xD 

I dont do that much photoshop last week so I have to work on it this week ! I do some new adjustments to my desk's decorations. All except the candle of the new things I put was 1li, so I couldnt resist to rezz it immediatly .x)) More I decor my home more I like it ! 

I hope that everyone doing well and if not will be better soon ! take care guys !

Close up of my desk's decor
Lil vespertine plant with my lion figure


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