Bunny Girl (Look #31)

Hihi there ! Here a really cute outfit I put together with new accessories I got thx to Cherri and old gacha I had from the same brand. It really look like its made to be together, I'm really happy with it !

What I wear :

  • Bunny Ears - Zahra (old group gift store closed)
  • Kim Jen Haistyle - Rama Salon (black friday)
  • Deja Vu Top #3 - V.c.lab 
  • Think Of You D5 - V.c.lab
  • Blooming Holdables Lollipop A - Dust Bunny
  • Free Somebody Skirt #1 - V.c.lab
  • Think Of You C1 - V.c.lab
  • Scandals Boots - Scandalize (group gift)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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