Waiting for my Train (Look #34)

Hihi there! Here a lil pic close to my rl situation because I'm taking a train on monday. x) And look at my fur ball ! Isn't he the cutest ?

What I wear :
  • Cheha Look Beret #6 - 'M.Biride
  • Pamela Hairstyle - Sintiklia (previous happy weekend)
  • Donna Look Top #3 - 'M.Birdie
  • Roah Look Necklace #1 - 'M.Birdie
  • Donna Look Skirt #3 - 'M.Birdie
  • Chibi Ankle Boots - Phedora (previous happy weekend)
  • Pom Pom Ultrarare #3 - Semotion Libellune
Check this pic better on Flickr !


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