Fantasy Meeting (Look #41)

Hihi there ! I bought these cute wings with lindens gift of bowchika I got since some times now. :') I wanted to spend them well you know. These wings are really pretty but not animated and HEAVY, it add so much complexity but still really cool for pics at 140l. 

What I wear :

  • Trinket Hairstyle - Truth (previous sale)
  • Floral Circlet (diamond) - Clover (previous sale)
  • Free Somebody Necklace #1 - V.c.lab 
  • Daisy Dress & Top V1 Rare #1 - Flora (at arcade rn)
  • Moth Plushie Rose - Sakura (previous sale)
  • Pixie Heels & Wrap Legs (white) - Caboodle (previous equal10) Mary ♥
  • Dragon Hatching - Clover (previous sale)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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