Dreaming Fantasy (Look #54)

Hihi there ! Well this is my fav dress with my fav mount, if you want me to wear a fantasy look I'll go automatically with this one ! xD And look at my wings that Iso fixed with a new prettier texture ! 

What I wear :

  • Valencia Crown - Fantasy World (old free gift)
  • Hellebore Crown White - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Alani Hairstyle - Sintiklia (previous weekend sales)
  • The Way I Am #3 - AvaWay (gacha)
  • Humpty Lock Necklace - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Belle Dress Fatpack - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Samantha Shoes #3 - Aurora (gacha)
  • Unicorn Princess Rideable Pinky - Semotion Libellune

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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