Enchanting Creatures (Look #62)

Hihi there ! I have a huge love for this cute sim that we discover in darky's stream, "the forgotten" ! So I and I'll take pics there dont be surprised ! xD

What I wear :

  • Carol Headpiece Sweet Version - Tentacio (previous weekend sales)
  • Maia Hairstyle - Magika (old 40% store sale)
  • Mari Necklace 3 & 5 - Romazin (old free gift)
  • Meriluu Gown White - Just Because (previous weekend sales)
  • Kimmy Armlets Bronze - Michan (previous weekend sales)
  • Monoceros Magic Unicorn Magic Wand #17 - Insomnia Angel (gacha)
  • Fae Drake Crystal Companion #8 - Hextraordinary (gacha)
  • Lady Unicorn Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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