Lil new guys and cute shopping ! Shopping and Throughs 12/06/22

Hihi there ! This week I farmed a lot to bring some money back after the huge Arcade shopping ! I can finally say that I have now all the gacha I wanted, the hardest was a common ironically. x) With all these items I have a ton of idea for look pics so I'm very happy. 

This week there was not that many good stuffs for me on sale so I took the cute bubble blower gun of Hive at Equal10. Its my first official buy by myself on this event ! And I took the Indigo hairstyle of Truth at the Fifty, I wanted it since it drop so I'm happyy ! And yesterday, I welcome two new pets in my tribe, the cute rare 1 of cosmic guy of Semotion thx to Ais and the unicorn ultra rare thx to Grani ! It was a great surprise, They have so many cute animations im gonna include both in my look pics !

Now my sale shopping list :

FiftyLindenFriday :

  • Animal Planters Llama - Vespertine (cute plant for 1li Im weak :'))

SaturdaySale :

  • Bardon Cotton Top White - Tres Blah (cute off shoulder top, it have a pretty quality)
  • Sweetie Pie Top White - Fashionably Dead (cute spring/summer top)
  • Denim Mini Denim Light - Fashionably Dead (love this skirt with flower pattern on it)

HappyWeekend :

  • Rudko Plated Top White - Rowne (I loved this Zendaya's look so I have to take it)
  • Peres Split Skirt White - Rowne (I have a huge goddess vibe from this set and I love it éé)
  • Cognac Cocktail Strawberry - Movement (pretty cocktail, I dont really have much fancy drinks so here I buy xD)
  • Plastic Handbag Lasy Pink - Movement (fancy bag for summer looks)

SokawaiiSunday :

  • B 558 & 557 - Believe (cute accessories fatpack)
  • Phone Chibi - Tardfish (cute phone with a lil chibi on it so it add)

Tadah ! I took two looks yesterday but on one (that it shown on the pic), I forgot to remove my bracelets so I have to re-do it. But its ok because I'm gonna include the cute cosmic guy pets I just got. I hope to make it even better so no regrets ! A new week of early wakeup is ahead me ! x)

I hope that everyone doing well and if not will be better soon ! take care guys !


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