What is sales, I only know Arcade ! Shopping and Throughs 05/06/22

Hihi there !I have one thing to say damn this week ! Firstly it was a slow start I took some pics and darky's stream on tuesday and then I went totally wild with Arcade ! There was a lot cute things this round I think more than last time. Day 1 I had my big notecard list of everything I wanted. xDD But sadly it was the opposite for sale like there was nothing for me I bought two things it never happenned before ! 00

I had some things in my eyes but most ended up being not for me, like the dance of Syncd that was too moving, the dresses of Cloe that didnt hide fully the nipnip so nope nope and the cute outfit of Inbue that was firstly all separated which bringed the outfit to 180l and secondly it didnt have white skirt so not for me. Yeah the sale was kinda sad for me this week. I only bought the Ersa dress of Violent Seduction and the cute dolphin fairytale #12 of Yokai.

So this week the list is gonna be my buys at Arcade :

  • Double Ribbon Rare # 1 - Althea (I was like why not could be cute with the good outfit)
  • Animugs Uni Rare # 1 - Bamse (I got it in first place it was quite cute so I took it)
  • Home Base Donutella Rare #2 - Bamse (now I can kick ass but in pinky mood)
  • Happy Kawaii Decor Set #9 - Bananan (this rug was so cute and one li so I had to take it)
  • Gone With the Wind #2 & #7 - Belle Epoque (really cute accessory that would look cool with hextraordinary gacha)
  • Game Over ! #5, #12, #19 & Rare #22 - Dazed (each time I love the accessories they do)
  • Perla #5 & #30 - Ersch (I miss the bodysuit and then going to take a special pic all together)
  • Moore's Mug Set Rare #13 - Fetch (I got it in first place so I took it xD)
  • Regency Set #1, #3, #10 & #11 - Hextraordinary (I like bridgerton so I'm an easy target)
  • Beach Set #22 & Rare #26 - Movement (I miss the shoes, movement always do cute holdables)
  • Oh Boy! Rare #2, #6 & #22 - Nini Planet (I love this brand ! And this gacha is cute street style which I dont got that many outfits of this style)
  • Hayley Outfit #11 & #25 - Ricielli (I miss the belt, I really like the top I'm just sad it glitch with my neck fix)
  • Diva Set #2, Rare #3 & Rare #4 - Rowne (if you want to be fancy for this summer go on it, its perfect ! xD oh and the name is from me each items have different names so it's hard to put them all under one name)
  • Chichuachua Holdable Rare #1 - Semotion Libellune (cutie pie I had the aside version already)
  • Little Unicorn Rares #1 & #2 - Semotion Libellune (cute unicorns like how I can resist ?)
  • Village Memories Set #16, #19 & #24 - Sorumin (very natural gacha gonna take a cute pic with it for sure)
  • Funny Bouquet of Kittens Rare # 1 - Spotcat (I loved the kitties so I hunt for it xDD)
  • Women's Wearable Float Rare #1, Rare #3, Rare #4, #9, #12 & #16 - What's Next (floatie gacha yess and the animation are so cute ! Its my new way of fishing !)
  • Kawaii Floats Rare #1, #2, #4, #5, #6, #8, #10, #12 & #14 - Yokai (floatie gacha again yess !! xD and they look sooo cute ! Like how ;;)

Yeah I know BIG list, thank you the lindens of freelinden website ! xD I had a good use of them, but now a day I struggle to find survey that work for me ;; so I think it's one time luck that I got that much. I only miss 4 gachas and I'm done with this round of Arcade ! Yeah I know already x) but Piggy is ultra efficient with her alts and Ais helped me a lot too ! The friday's live of darky was ultra fun and summery so my mood is 100% summer lately. 

For rl, the first full week of work of my love went well so I'm very happy of that. Only dark spot is my sleeping schedule, waking up at 6 am to go back sleep at 8 am till 10 am to grab some hours more kill me ! xD I guess I just have to be used to this new life. There was HUGEE storms in France these last days, the most terrifying was last night some windows and roof got broken for what I know we had nothing so we were very lucky for that.

I hope that everyone doing well and if not will be better soon ! take care guys !


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