Dragon Empress (Look #75)

Hihi there ! Well well this my most expensive shopping to date ! xD This Cureless's gacha is stunniiiing, it's 100% my style. The pure white goddess vibe that I'm looking for my character. And in "the forgotten" sim's dragon corner its perfect, how to give even more power to an already powerful gown ! 

What I wear :

  • Lucrecia Headpiece - Tentacio (free hunt gift)
  • TO0618 Hairstyle Gold - Wings 
  • Thick Diamond Choker Gold - Kibitz
  • Celestina's Necklace Gold - Kibitz (previous weekend sales)
  • Seelie Bento Wings - Celeste (shop & hop reduced buy)
  • Pygmalion's Bride Galatea Bridal Gown Rare - Cureless
  • Pygmalion's Bride Galatea Gloves Rare - Cureless
  • Pygmalion's Bride Galatea Legs (marble) - Cureless
  • Pygmalion's Bride Feet Wraps (gold) - Cureless
  • Magic Dragon Common #13 - Semotion Libellune

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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