Space Adventurer (Look #77)

Hihi there ! It's been long time I wanted to a futuristic look, since I bought this dress I think ! x) Now I got some cute accessories to go with it and with the cute backdrop at Naria's land I dont got much hesitations left and I did it right away !

 What I wear :

  • Super Kitty Controller - Stoic (previous weekend sales)
  • Kim Jen Hair Naturals Pack - Rama Salon (old black friday sale)
  • Next Level Dress #1- V.C.Lab (gacha)
  • Cutie Moon Nails Kitties - Sakura (previous weekend sales)
  • Tamabondi Drone Grayscale - Bondi (previous weekend sales)
  • Rocket Boots Fatpack - Miwas (old 50% store sale)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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