Summer Memories (Look #76)

Hihi there ! More personal pic this time, when I see these graves at Moon Lair's Darky sim I wanted to take a meaningful scenery pic. So less outfit centered, more to appreciate the surrounding. I think everyone lost someone at some point, I was kinda unlucky for that side since I lost 4 family members (+2 of my lovely cats even tho its family members for me as well) in less of 20 year of existence. The time heal the wounds but scars stay.

What I wear :

  • Klara Hairstyle Flf Edition - Wasabi (previous weekend sales)
  • Lelila Top White - Palette (previous weekend sales)
  • Luna Armlets Bronze - Michan (previous weekend sales)
  • Chelsea Knot Skirt #1 - Addams (old free gift card)
  • Magika Bronze - LuluB! (previous weekend sales)
  • Scottish Fold Mate #6 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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