Tropical Friend (Look #74)

Hihi there ! Afternoon at a pretty villa's balcony with a new friend ! I love this Polaroid from Movement, I wore it often for Darky's streams. And this free hairstyle of Ade ! Thats a big gift available right now at shop & hop ! I got to take this pic 4th times before having a result that satisfy me. :')

What I wear :

  • Baby Hairstyle - Ade (free gift at shop & hop)
  • TO0618 Hairpin - Wings (previous weekend sales)
  • Celestina's Necklace Gold - Kibitz (previous weekend sales)
  • Olivia Dress White - Bauhaus (previous weekend sales)
  • Kimmy Armlets Bronze - Michan (previous weekend sales) 
  • Crested Cockatoo Uncommon #17 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • My Camera With Case White - Movement (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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