Emerging from the Sea (Look #90)

Hihi there ! Some mermaid transforming on the beach idea ! The moon hair give totally mermaid mood for me, its so long and she hold it like it's wet and heavy. And of course needed to add some of my most recent mishmish's pets. They are so cuteee !

What I wear :

  • Nox Hairstyle Erractics Hud - Moon Hair (previous weekend sales)
  • Pretty Whild Dress Snow - Moon Elixir (previous weekend sales)
  • Kimmy Armlets Bronze - Michan (previous weekend sales)
  • Shoal Of Fish Candy - Mishmish (previous weekend sales)
  • Cutie Crab Attachment Red - Mishmish (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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