Fairy Mermaids (Look #86)

Hihi there ! It's been long time I wanted to do an upgrade look of my mermaid outfit and I found this cute underwater sim so I just go for it !

What I wear :

  • Beringois Crown White - Violent Seduction (gacha)
  • Ocean Lover Tiara White - Moon Amore (gacha)
  • Kali Hairstyle - Kuni (previous weekend sales)
  • Felicia's Thick Choker White Blank - Kibitz (previous weekend sales)
  • Nari Look Necklace B1 - M'Birdie (gacha)
  • Pygmalion's Bride Goddess Touch Halo White - Cureless (gacha)
  • Ocean Lover Pseudo Mermaid Rare - Moon Amore (gacha)
  • Ethereal Time Chronos Arms Rare - Moon Amore (gacha)
  • Starfish Pink - Mishmish (previous weekend sales)
  • Mermaid Kitty Rare #2 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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