Visiting my Childhood (Look #82)

Hihi there ! I dont know for you but for me my vacations were mostly visiting the countryside around my city. The city where I live is really surrounded by nature so you just have to drive 20 min and you are in plain nature. We used to visit our secondary home often and go on walk near the cows and horses, I loved it. This corner of darky's sim remember me this a lot. 

What I wear :

  • Nature Head Mr Sprout - Half Deer (previous weekend sales)
  • Daria Hairstyle Fantasy Pack - Faga (previous weekend sales)
  • Nari Look Necklace A2 - M.Birdie (gacha)
  • Little Fox Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Phoebe Dress White - Nerido (previous weekend sales)
  • Candied Fruit Skewers - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Pixie Leg Wrap White - Caboodle (mary's gift)
  • Fluffy Bunny Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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