Apprentice White Rabbit (Look #96)

Hihi there ! I wasn't going to buy this gacha but Mac got me the dress. And to be honest its a really cute set ! It would have been a big miss, and I love white bunny looks ! This pic was took in the storybrook sim, fell totally in love with the sim since Darky's live ! 

What I wear :

  • Lata Accessories Fatpack Solid Rare #21 - Ersch (gacha at arcade rn)
  • Daria Hairstyle Essential - Faga (previous weekend sales)
  • Lata Bodysuit Solid White #11 - Ersch (gacha at arcade rn)
  • Gone With The Wind Gloves White #7 - Belle Epoque (gacha)
  • Blooming Holdables Lollipop A - Dust Bunny (gacha)
  • March Hare #12 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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