Moon Priestress (Look #91)

Hihi there ! Some fantasy style like I love to do ! Since Ersch drop this dress I wanted it and I finally got it with store credits ! ^^/ And this pretty halo of Rainn go well with it to me ! 

What I wear :

  • Moon Halo Full Moon - Rainn (previous weekend sales)
  • Dori Hairstyle Essential Hud - Faga (previous weekend sales)
  • Drusilla Choker White - Bauhaus (previous weekend sales)
  • Jaya Long Dress White - Ersch (free credit gift group) (gacha)
  • Magic Dragon Holdable Common 13 - Semotion Libellune 
  • Universalis Moon - LuluB! (free credit gift group)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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