Ice Fairy (Look #129)

Hihi there ! I absolutely felt in love with this gorgeous gacha set of Ersch ! It waited for so long to be taken but its for the goods ! I'm very happy on how turned out my pic and ofc no ice fairy without the crystals body part of Cureless that I loveee ! 

What I wear :

  • Maim Crown #3 - Ersch (gacha)
  • Sins Hairstyle - Doux (old black friday sale)
  • Maim Top #2 - Ersch (gacha)
  • Maim Collar #4 - Ersch (gacha)
  • Precious Gem Crystal Hand White - Cureless (gacha)
  • Cielica Orb White - Lulub! (free credit gift group)
  • Maim Dress #11 White - Ersch (gacha)
  • Rebekah Boots & Socks - Pure Poison (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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