Hiking Day (Look #145)

Hihi there ! Yeah you feel I'm awaiting for some vacations ! xD Like the previous pic, it was taken at Otterlake sim. It's nice sim with a more forest, natural aspect and a lil city on a corner. :3 I had to put some animals, hiking is the best when you cross some cuties ! 

What I wear :

  • Maven Hairstyle Fatpack - Truth (I won the flickr giveaway wooooo)
  • Crop Knit Turtleneck Cloud - Friday (previous weekend sales)
  • Little Raccoon Common #5 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Samira Gloves White - Minuit (previous weekend sales)
  • My Camera White - Movement (previous weekend sales)
  • Rain Short White - Asteria (previous weekend sales)
  • Alisia Boots - Cult (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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