My neighbour (Look #161)

Hihi there ! Yes yes I do my ghibli fangirl totally ! I'm glad I can reunite Totoro and a soot sprite ! :3 Taken at the pretty Project Hope place ! The owner is very nice, I had the pleasure to cross her this time. ^^/ Younger I wished I had that kind of neighbour when I go to my countryside not gonna lie ! xDD

What I wear :

  • Elodie Vivid & Pastel Color Pack - Navy + Cooper (previous weekend sales)
  • Sora Dress & Hoodie White - Cheezu (old black friday sale)
  • Soot Sprite - Clover (previous weekend sales)
  • Mao Coal - Tardfish (previous weekend sales)
  • Lumi Wellies Cloud - Friday (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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