Yellow Mood (Look #159)

Hihi there ! I saw this cute yellow flower field during Darky's stream and I saw wanted to do a pic with it ! I just love these and ofc I had to take my baby goat with his cute yellow crown ! It got taken at Bella's Lullaby sim. :3 

What I wear :

  • Head Accessories Rockfoils Yellow - Lode (gacha)
  • Daria Hairstyle - Faga (previous weekend sales)
  • So loving Necklace Gold - Kibitz (previous weekend sales)
  • Soyi Dress White - Aleutia (previous weekend sales)
  • Dara Sleeves - Scandalize (free credit gift group)
  • Baby Goat Holdable Rare #1 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Wildflower Nectar Shoes - Muse (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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