Lovely Dango (Look #167)

Hihi there ! I always enjoy doing cute streetstyle outfit, I was lucky to win Fio's giveaway on flickr and I'm loving this set !! To give the cuteness to my outfit I just add cute Kotte's accessories and the dango of Kiu's last gacha ! ^^/ 

What I wear :

  • Mew Knit Hat White - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Sins Hairstyle - Doux (old black friday sale)
  • Zara Corset Fatpack - Fio (Won flickr's giveaway)
  • Mew Knit Armwarmers White - Kotte (old 50% store sale)
  • Froggy Desserts Dango Tricolor #2 - Kiu (gacha)
  • Zara Pants Fatpack - Fio (Won flickr's giveaway)
  • Scottish Fold Limited - Semotion Libellune (gift from Kucinta ♥)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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