Fairy Barbie (Look #183)

Hihi there ! This Sinoux set is absolutely gorgeous ! I'm in love with the moon pattern and fur accent ! ^^/ I so wanted to do an ultra cute and feminine look and idk why but it gave me huge barbie vibes but with my character colors. x))

What I wear :

  • Sins Hairstyle - Doux (old black friday sale)
  • Fancy Hairclip - Magika (old free gift)
  • Star On Me Gold - Miwas (old black friday sale)
  • Sakura Dango Berry - Vco (gacha)
  • Namii Choker #10 - K{<3}P (gacha)
  • Jelly Beans Set - Sinoux (previous weekend sales)
  • Yorkie Bag Holdable Special - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Moon Bunny Fairy - Half Deer (a gift ♥)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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