Return from Groceries (Look #190)

Hihi there ! It's been long I wanted to do a pic in my kitchen of Moon Lair ! ^^/ And ofc with some pals to assist me in the groceries day ! 

What I wear :

  • Bliss Hairstyle - Truth (vip group gift)
  • Jinah Choker - Momochuu (previous weekend sales)
  • Sana Dress White - Newphe (previous weekend sales)
  • Milka Pullover White - Vaki Kvaki (previous weekend sales)
  • Milky Shakey Strawberry Set - Littlep (previous weekend sales)
  • Usagi Chan - Moon Rabbit (previous weekend sales)
  • Scottish Fold Limited - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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