Iced World (Look #206)

Hihi there ! Today is a cold iced pic ! x) Fit good my rl since its snowing ! xD I wanted to do a fantasy pic for this week, I felt its been long since I did a true one ! Pic taken at the beautiful "Luanes World, le monde perdu" sim ! 

What I wear :

  • Aneira Antlers - Lassitude & Ennui (old free gift)
  • Sienna Hairstyle - Magika (old black friday sale)
  • Nix Solis Staff - Arkivet & Vae Victis (previous weekend sales)
  • Estrella Gown White - Riot (previous weekend sales)
  • Magic Dragon Common #13 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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