Snowy Countryside (Look #209)

Hihi there ! Slowly making the transition into february with a less snowy pic ! Surrounded by cute animals with a coffee and a cookie, what a perfect walk ! Pic taken at the "Sonder's Frost" place, really cute and charming ! 

What I wear :

  • Beary Cold Hat Pack 1 - Foi (previous weekend sales)
  • Dare Hairstyle Candy Pack - Truth (previous weekend sales)
  • Modern Poet Choker White - Fashionably Dead (previous weekend sales)
  • Chubby Mouse Special - Semotion Libellune (gacha)
  • Hejin Top #5 - Dami (old store sale)
  • Hot Coffee Habits Cigarette - Hive (previous weekend sales)
  • In The Moment Cookie Traditional - #Comatosed (previous weekend sales)
  • Bonny Skirt Snow - Yasum (previous weekend sales)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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