Magic Mist (Look #230)

Hihi there ! We are back at one of my favorite sim of the whole gird : the "Lost Unicorn" ! For a fantasy look of course with the stunning gift of Moon Amore at this shop & hop ! The dress is immaculate and for sure one of my favorite in my inventory now ! 

What I wear :

  • Celestial Headpiece - Tentacio (previous weekend sales)
  • Janne Hairstyle Naturals Pack - Rama Salon (previous weekend sales)
  • Bride's Dream Gown - Moon Amore (free gift at shop & hop)
  • Etheral Time Chronos Arms Rare - Moon Amore (gacha)
  • Demonic Touch - Aii & Ego (old free gift)
  • Cielica Orb White - LuluB! (free credit gift group)
  • Samantha Shoes Rare #3 - Aurora (gacha)
  • Spring Fawn Ultra Rare #3 - Semotion Libellune (gacha)

Check this pic better on Flickr !


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